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Overview | Suggested Statistics | Training Information | Level Information

Barbarian Overview

By Jubei

Barbarians are very popular and usually are the lead of the groups due to their skills. The two main skills that a barbarian has are bash and circle. Both do basically the same thing. They leave your opponent stunned for a short period of time, allowing you to attack unharmed, provided you keep your alignment neutral and do not fail a circle. Bash works only at the beginning of an attack and does not last as long as circle; however, it does damage to your opponent and circle doesn't. Bash also damages your weapon more than a regular hit. I suggest leaving bash for pkill, since it does not last as long as opening your attack with a circle.

Another bonus skill barbarians have is berserk. It raises your dexterity by 3 and HP to what you would have at the next level (increased HP value bases on your CON) and it allows you to circle and hit your opponent better. It only lasts a few seconds and you'll need to wait for a few minutes before you can berserk again. Another undocumented feature is barbarians tend to make more critical hits than any other class, which does a lot more damages than usual. It also means weapons are breaking a lot faster.

I notice that newbies rarely circle, even when they are at a level where they should. You can go through levels 1-5 without circling and armors at all, finding that they can't hit you much and there's really no need in spending money on armors at low levels. Once you reach higher levels, circling becomes very important.

Barbarians have to look at their opponents before attacking. If their opponents are "S/he is not as good as you" or "S/he shouldnt be too tough too kill", or all the way down to "You can kill him/her with a needle", you can solo them on by routine circle and hit. If you are a barbarian and you're grouped with lower levels, you can take on "S/he is a perfect match for you" without much problem at all and everyone can get decent experiences. If you want to take anyone tougher, such as "S/he is a little better than you" and "S/he might be tough to kill", it'll be wise to group with someone +/-1 at your level so you won't be spending too much time ticking and might get your group members killed. It's highly recommanded not to try anyone who can needle you as a barbarian, except for shaman ;)

For lower levels who want to leech experience of barbarian please remember: DO NOT HIT UNTIL A BARBARIAN HAS CIRCLED OPPONENT SUCCESSFULLY. Perms/Mobs attack whoever was the last person attempt to attack them. If a barbarian fails a circle, stop hitting and wait for the next successful circle. I've seen too many cases where the groupies just won't stop hitting until they end up in limbo.

Bash is excellent for pkill, as you can continually bash someone, leaving them stunned and unable to move or attack you until they die, hazy or you miss. Barbarians should begin with the blunt proficiency and/or sharp (personally, I find sharp weapons are more available than blunts because blunts have a big market for all other classes. Also, good blunts are easy to get, but they break very fast.). By the time you have maxed out your blunt, you should be capable of getting your hands on any other proficiency of weapon that you'd like to work on next.

Suggested Statistics

Note here that there are not a lot of variations in our recommandations. People would just give everything to Strength/Constitution/Dexterity, and use minimum (3) for intelligence and piety. Most people like to either give 18 to con (more hp/tick more) or dex (lower ac, to circle/hit better). The races recommanded are Orc, Troll, Dwarf, especially for newbies because those are the races can see in the dark and it does save a lot of troubles of saving/holding on lanterns (limit light source).
str: 15 dex: 15 con: 18 int: 3 pie: 3 Race: Orc (Shang)
With high con, it compensates for the low piety. You tick slow, but you will tick a lot at a time.
You need to group more, because you won't be able to circle well, or you will end up spending more time ticking, unless you have a very good set of armors and can't vig or mend until higher levels.

str: 15 dex: 18 con: 15 int: 3 pie: 3 Race: Dwarf (Jubei)
At level 8, you get 18 19 18 4 2, which means bonus for strength, dexterity, and consititution. With high dex, you can circle really well.
With low piety, your successful vigs will be very low, and even up to level 5, you're garanteed to fail vig every single time.

Training Information

Training to levels 2 through 5 is done on the west side of the Barbarian Pits. It is marked as "A" on the Barbarian Pits map in the map section. The pits are located w, nw, nw, nw, ne from outside the west gate of Celduin. Pictured on the map of NW of celduin in the map section. In order to advance to level 2 and 3, you must defeat the barbarian in the yellow hut to get the faded yellow key. To advance to level 4 and 5, you must defeat the tribesman in the orange hut and get the orange key.

Training from levels 6-11 is done in the southern area of the Barbarian Pits. It is marked as "B" on the Barbarian Pits map in the map section. In order to advance to level 6 and 7, you must defeat the human gladiator in the blue hut to get the blue bone key. To advance to level 8 and 9, you must defeat the savage in the green hut to get the green bone key. To advance to level 10 and 11 you must defeat the brutalizer in the red hut to get the red bone key.

Training for level 12 is done in the ramses hut across the ramses bridge on the east side of the Barbarian Pits. It is marked as "C" on the Barbarian Pits map in the map section. You need to kill the barbarian chief in his hut ("4" on the map) until he drops the ramdes key. There is no leveling monster waiting for you in the hut, all you require is the ramdes key.

Training for levels 13+ is done in Parth in the library's Golden Door. It is marked as "4" on the map of Parth in the map section. There are no items or keys required.

Level Information

Use the Isengard Stat Engine to create your character!

I just thought it might be interesting for people to find out what each specific class' hps/mps are at each level. Providing you start with 7 CON.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
HP 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112
MP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
HP 120 128 136 144 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 208
MP 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

For those of you who want to know what statistic will go up at your next level, here is a table showing which stat raises at a given level.

Level 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Stat con dex pty int str con str dex pty str con dex
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Stat pty int str con str dex pty str con dex pty int

� K. Welch