Title: Dance Lessons
Summary: Frank's unconfirmed half-brother
Sent in by: Carrie

Title: The Kung-Fu
Summary: Frank shows off his newest dance move. A half second later he punches himeself in the nose and is taken the emergency room.
Sent in by: Nichole

Title: 6th Spice Girl
Summary: Sexy spice breaks her leg and Frank tries to impress the Brits with his Spice Girl dance moves. Sadly, Nick Drugas was picked over him.
Sent in by: Jules

Title: 6th Spice Girl Round 2
Summary: Hearing that Nick got the Spice Girl spot, an unknown Frankster assassinates Nick opening up the spot for Frank. Unfortunately, the 6th spot was taken by Donnie Wahlberg of NKOTB.
Sent in by: Schlect

Title: Wedding - Macarena
Summary: Frank hosts a wedding online and gets the crowd to do the Macarena
Sent in by: Liesel

Title: Wedding - Macarena
Summary: Continued...
Sent in by: Liesel

Title: Wedding - Macarena
Summary: Continued...
Sent in by: Liesel

Title: Wedding - Macarena
Summary: Continued...
Sent in by: Liesel

Title: Wedding - Macarena
Summary: Continued...
Sent in by: Liesel

Title: Wedding - Macarena
Summary: Continued...
Sent in by: Liesel

Title: Wedding - Macarena
Summary: The Crowd stares blankly at Frank and the brides starts to cry...
Sent in by: Liesel